Animal Hospital


Frequently Answered Questions

Cute kitten

Here at Marina Animal Hospital, we are always more than happy to answer all your questions and address all your concerns regarding your pet's health.

We have gathered the most common inquiries below, for your quick review.

Obviously we cannot have an answer to all the questions that you might have on this page. Therefore, do not hesitate to call us and ask us your own questions. At Marina we are always happy to hear from you.

Questions (Click for Answers):

Hamsters and other small mammals


Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

I just bought a puppy, what do I do next?

Make an appointment for a check up and bring a stool sample as well. Also bring all the paper-work that you received when you purchased the puppy. That basic information will help us to initiate a proper health plan with better accuracy.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

What do I do if I found a kitten, and I want to keep it?

Make an appointment for a check up and bring a stool sample with you. Do not expose the cat to your other household cat(s) until it has been checked by the veterinarian, otherwise it may pose a health risk to your cat(s), like fleas or ear mites.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

I think my pet has worms, what should I do?

A microscopic exam of the stool in the lab can help determine the type of the worm and by knowing your pet’s proper weight you will be given the proper dosage of medication. Keep in mind that some parasites are contagious for both other animals and humans like Giardia or Hook worms.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

I think my pet has fleas, what should I do?

Breaking the life cycle of flea is more important then using some temporary topical or oral flea medications with limited efficacy. Try to understand the biology of flea and consult your veterinarian.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

My cat has not peed in few days, or he pees small amount and cries each time.

Most likely this is a case of feline urinary tract disease (FLUTD) and needs immediate care before it turns to a life threatening emergency with shock and kidney failure.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

My dog keeps scratching his/her ears and shaking the head a lot.

70% to 80 % of chronic or recurrent ear infections are due to food allergies. Breed and type of the ear are other contributing factors. A microscopic exam of the ear content can put light in the cause of ear infection weather is mite, yeast or bacteria.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

Are there any risks involved when my pet goes into surgery?

There are many precautionary measures that you can take as an owner before your pet goes into surgery. Your pet should always have a check-up few days prior to any surgery to ensure that it is in a healthy condition and that there are no concerns.

Pre-anesthetic blood work is also recommended to make sure that internally everything is ok with your pet. With any procedure that involves anesthesia there is a risk, but with these precautionary steps you can lessen the chance of any complications during surgery.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

Why is my dog limping?

There are many reasons why a dog would be limping (Arthritis, broken bone, cuts, etc); to get a complete answer it is advised that you visit your vet to prevent any further pain or damage. The vet can look at your pet and possibly recommend taking an x-ray if a fracture is suspected.

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

My pet is obese, how can I help him lose weight?

A proper reduced diet and exercise is the best solution for heavier animals. Make an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss the most suitable diet and portion size for your pet and various techniques to exercise your pet. An inappropriate weight loss in cats may lead to a fatal condition called hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver syndrome).

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Marina Animal Hospital Veterinary Services and care

What are most common pediatric emergencies?

* Dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea predisposing factors include heavy worm infestation, bronchitis, viral infection like Parvo virus. Young animals have higher requirements for fluids than adult animals.

* Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) due to immature liver enzymes or contributing factors like low birth rate, cold environment. Signs of low blood sugar are: lethargy and weakness, mental dullness, and eventually seizure.

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